Redhorse has expertise in energy, environmental, technology, and intelligence services. We strive to do meaningful work in support of our nation’s needs, provide a great work environment for our employees, and make a difference in the communities where we live and work. We are a Small Business Administration 8(a) program participant and a service-disabled veteran-owned small business.

The Team

Our employees are driven by doing what is right and what works. We use technology and information management approaches, coupled with our experience, to deliver creative solutions to complex problems. We network resources into functional teams that leverage our collective expertise, lessons learned, best management practices, and sustainable business solutions.


percent annual growth




Federal Agencies


Amazing Organization

The Leaders

David Inmon
Chief Executive Officer, Founder

Susan Snow
Senior VP, Operations

Vincent Bridgeman
VP of Intelligence Services

Craig Cheney
VP of Digital Services

Sherry Gernhofer
Director of Quality Programs

Debra Gregory
VP of Human Resources

Melissa Houghton
VP of Business Development

Kim Reinke
VP of Enterprise Advisory Services

Adrienne Taylor
VP of Energy & Environment

Michael Ulmer-Goodrich
VP of Accounting & Finance


Bill VanDeWeghe

Dr. Gene Ray

The Name

Once I decided to start a company, the next question was, “What do we call it?” I had several specific criteria: It had to be simple--one or two syllables, easy to remember, and could not include the words Systems, Solutions, Integrators, or Technology. (No offense to all of our friends who DO include these words in their names.) While serving in Iraq, I worked with an Air Force engineering unit known as the REDHORSE Squadron, the Air Force version of the Navy Seabees. The men and women of this unit did a remarkable job and were an impressive and dedicated group of professionals. REDHORSE is an acronym for “Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operations Repair Squadron Engineers.” (The REDHORSE units have a sister organization known as Prime Beef squadrons. For obvious reasons, this name was never much of a contender, although it certainly would have been memorable.) During our “What do we call it?” discussions, Redhorse kept coming to mind. After carefully weighing all of the factors (over a glass or two of red wine), the choice was made! Redhorse it is, and the rest, as they say, is history.

- David Inmon