Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

At Redhorse, our corporate responsibility defines who we are and how we do business. We are committed to taking action now to serve the long-term needs of our customers and employees while minimizing future impacts to the environment. These actions include eliminating waste, improving operating efficiency, and reducing lifecycle impacts of our operations that support the environment and communities in which we live, work, and play.

Redhorse is committed to social, environmental responsibility and ethical conduct through continuous improvement. To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, we are focused on reducing emissions, increasing energy efficiency, conserving water, reducing waste, and using environmentally-responsible products and technologies in our work. Our corporate goals for all operations include:

  • Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Increasing energy efficiency
  • Reducing water use
  • Reducing waste

Waste is inefficient and costs money. By making our operations more sustainable, we improve our efficiency and competitiveness, and reduce our environmental footprint, including the GHG emissions that contribute to climate change. Our corporate initiatives to reduce our footprint include:

Office Efficiency Best Management Practices

  • Purchase green products and services
  • Use recycled content products
  • Purchase energy efficient equipment
  • Use water conserving products
  • Promote re-use and recycling in all aspects of office operations
  • Use environmentally preferable products, such as Biopreferred products, low- and non-toxic products, alternatives to ozone depleting products, and EPEAT registered electronics

GHG Emissions Measurement

  • Measure direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope2) GHG emissions
  • Reduce Scope 3 Emissions including local and business travel and commuting (see below)
  • Participate as a Climate Registered MemberTM of The Climate Registry for reporting and verifying emissions

Employee Initiatives

  • Reduce travel by using conference calls and webinars
  • Promote teleworking
  • Incentivize employee commuting using mass transit, and promote the use of alternative modes of transportation
  • Support green vehicle fleet management including biofuels and electric vehicles

Redhorse actions will result in quantifiable reductions to our impact on the environment – our contribution to a sustainable future. We look forward to working towards a prosperous and sustainable future with our employees, customers, and communities.