High Voltage Transmission Line Support, Design and Integration Support

Redhorse provided communication system design, integration, and installation support for a 120 mile high voltage transmission line project. Redhorse expanded the two-way radio system to support construction of the new power line and to provide a health and safety communications network. Because the route of the line went through very remote areas of the County, a creative solution was needed to meet the project’s communications requirements. Redhorse worked closely with the communications engineers to identify the requirements and develop a design concept that would meet the requirements.

A design was developed that addressed the communication needs, remote access issues, and site environmental sensitivities. The design focused on providing self-contained, renewable powered, communication repeater stations at six mountain top sites. After defining the technical specifications and selecting a design, detailed engineering and construction of the systems was completed. Redhorse helped to secure additional 900 MHz frequencies for the communications network and integration of the repeaters into the communication network.

After the systems were delivered, Redhorse provided project management support to schedule, deliver, and install the repeater stations at the mountain top sites. This included working closely with the radio vendor and helicopter crew to ensure a safe and efficient deployment of each of the site, which was successfully completed without incident.