Dept of Homeland Security, Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance

Under subcontract to SAIC, Redhorse supported the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific, and the Department of Homeland Security in providing technical assistance to state and local public safety organizations for the prevention of, response to, and recovery from terrorism and all hazards events, particularly any that involve chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive incidents. Redhorse supported the ability for public- and private-sector organizations to integrate voice and data information in real-time interoperable communication, even though they may operate disparate systems. This included providing technical support and assistance to public safety and first responders relating to technology and operational aspects of voice and data interoperability to support the functional areas of planning and engineering. Specifically, Redhorse worked with the Colorado River Indian Tribes, providing needs analysis, solutions, implementation and interoperability, and program support.