General Services Administration, Region 10, LEED Existing Building (EB) Volume Certification

The General Services Administration (GSA) has set forth a Zero Environmental Footprint initiative to eliminate GSA’s impact on the natural environment and use its government-wide influence to reduce the environmental impact of the Federal government. A key component of GSA’s Zero Environmental Footprint goal is to reduce the environmental impacts of its real estate portfolio by establishing high performance sustainable building operations.

Redhorse has supported GSA goal by providing specialized technical expertise in sustainability, building and energy systems, and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification to complete the LEED-EB volume certification of nine GSA buildings. Services provided included screening potential buildings for LEED-EB certification, collecting performance data, preparing LEED-EB credit documentation, conducting quality reviews, providing LEED credit guidance, and submitting credit documentation to the U.S. Green Building Counsel using the LEED-EB Volume Certification Tool.